and Recognitions
- Frontiers in Education Conference Best Paper Award, Kashy,
E., Thoennessen, M., Tsai, Y., Davis, N. E., and Wolfe, S. L., Using
Networked Tools to Enhance Student Success Rates in Large Classes, 1997
Ben Dasher Award, E. Kashy, M. Thoennessen,
Y. Tsai, N. E. Davis, and S. L. Wolfe, Using Networked Tools
to Promote Student Success in Large Classes, Journal
of Engineering Education 87, 385 (1998), 1998
- Frontiers in Education Conference Best Paper Award,
G. Kortemeyer, W. Bauer, Multimedia
Collaborative Content Creation, 1998
William Elgin Wickenden Award, E. Kashy, M. Thoennessen,
Y. Tsai, N. E. Davis, and S. L. Wolfe, Using Networked Tools to
Promote Student Success in Large Classes, Journal
of Engineering Education 87, 385 (1998), 1999
- Frontiers in Education Conference Best Paper Award, D.
A. Kashy, G. Albertelli, E. Kashy and M. Thoennessen, Teaching with
ALN Technology: Benefits and Costs, Journal
of Engineering Education, 89, 499 (2001), 2000
ComputerWorld Honors 21st Century Achievement Award, 2003
- Sloan-C Award for Most Outstanding Effective Practice, 2004
- Finalist, European E-Learning Award, Project eÜbungen, 2009
- Winner, Campusemerge Award, Project VitaMIN(T), 2011
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Supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF-ITR 0085921, NSF-CCLI-ASA 0243126, and NSF-CCLI 0717790. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Initial funding for CAPA has been provided by the Alfred. P. Sloan Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
