Example: Expansion


Suppose the railroad used a single piece of steel from Lansing to Chicago (400 km.) How much would it expand from the coldest winter day (-40$\circ$F) to the warmest summer day (110$\circ$ F)?


Because it is the change in temperature that counts, we only need to convert
$\Delta$T = 150 $\cdot$ (5/9) = 83.3 $\circ$C

$\Delta$L = (12$\cdot$ 10-6 m/$\circ$C)(400,000 m)(83.3 $\circ$C) = 400 m

This is why using a single piece of steel for this project would be a very bad idea. Instead the railroad tracks consist of many individual pieces with expansion joints between them.


How much force does it take to keep a 5 m piece of track 25 cm2 in cross section from expanding? Here is a case in which we are given the strain and asked to find the stress.


strain = $\Delta$L/L = $\alpha\Delta$T = (12$\cdot$ 10-6 $\circ$C-1)(83.3$\circ$C) = 1.00$\cdot$ 10-3

stress = F/A = strain $\cdot$ elastic modulus

F = strain $\cdot$ Y $\cdot$ A = (1.00$\cdot$ 10-3)$\cdot$ (20$\cdot$ 1010)$\cdot$ (25$\cdot$ 10-4) = 500,000 N, independent of length!

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