Thermal Expansion

As discussed previously almost all solids expand when heated. The equation governing the change in a single dimension (linear expansion) is given by

DL / L = a DT

where a is called the coefficient of thermal expansion. The units for this coefficient are inverse °C or °C-1. Typical values for metals are 10-6 to 10-5. For liquids they are 10 times bigger.

Here is an interesting video demonstration that shows linear thermal expansion at work:

This, by the way is the second way we have encountered that one can put strain on a material. Here we are dealing with thermal strain, whereas we has previously encountered mechanical strain.

The thermal coefficients b and g for a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional expansion can be easily derived from the equation for linear expansion:

Area expansion:

A = L2 = L02 (1+aDT)2 = A0 (1+2aDT+a2DT2) A0 (1+2aDT)

We neglect terms with higher powers of a, because a << 1.

=> DA := A-A0 = A02aDT => DA/A = 2aDT

You could also set up the area expansion using a generic coefficient of area expansion,

DA/A = b DT

When you combine the last derived equation and this definition equation, then you get:

b = 2 a

Volume expansion:

V = L3 = L03 (1+aDT)3 = V0 (1+3aDT+...)

=> DV := V-V0 = V03aDT => DV/V = 3aDT

You could also set up the volume expansion using a generic coefficient of volume expansion,

DV/V = g DT

When you combine the last derived equation and this definition equation, then you get:

g = 3 a

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