Relative Velocity - Stream Crossing Problem

The most common form of vector addition problem is the adding of velocities. For example, we will now deal with a swimmer crossing a flowing stream. In this case the vector equation looks deceptively simple, like this:

= +

where is the velocity of the swimmer and is the velocity of the water, as shown in this animation.


A stream flows at 3 m/s and is 100 m wide. You want to swim across at 2 m/s. Do you ever make it? How long does it take, and where do you end up? (Take the x-axis to be in the stream direction and the y-axis to be across.) What is ? (work in x- and y-components)


The components of the vectors and are:
sy = 2 m/s; sx= 0; wy = 0; wx= 3 m/s

For their sums we then get:

vy= sy + wy = 2 m/s + 0 m/s = 2 m/s


vx = sx + wx = 0 m/s + 3 m/s = 3 m/s

the magnitude and direction of v are given by

v = (vx + vy )1/2= (22+32)1/2 = 3.6 m/s

tan -1(2/3) = 33.6°



How much time does it take the swimmer to cross a 100 m wide stream?


We can use one of our kinematic equations from the previous chapter:
y = y0 + vy0 $\cdot$ t

(no acceleration) with y0= 0, vy0 = 2 m/s, y = 100 m

\[ \rm t = \frac{y-y_{0}}{v_{y0}} $\Rightarrow$ t = 50s \]

This is the same time it would have taken without current! But this is a special case, because the swimmer swims exactly perpendicular to the current.


How far downstream does the swimmer end up on the other shore?


Again we resort to our kinematic equation, this time calling the variable x instead of y:
x = x0 + vx0t

with x0 = 0, vx0 = 3 m/s, t = 50 s

=> x = (3 m/s)$\cdot$(50 s) = 150 m


What is the total distance swum?


The total distance we obtain from Pythagoras' Theorem as:
d = (x2 + y2)1/2 = (1002 + 1502)1/2 m = 180.3 m


What was the swimmer's speed as observed by somebody standing on the shore of the river?


We can get the speed in two different ways:
  • Since we know the individual velocity components of , we can calculate the length of that vector to get the speed:
    v = (22 + 32)1/2 m/s = 3.61 m/s
  • We also already calculated the total distance swum and the time it took. Take the ration of these two, and hopefully you will get the same result:
    \[ \rm v = \frac{d}{t} = \frac{180.3 m}{50 s} = 3.61 m/s \]


Now the hard problem. How do I swim to get directly across? In mathematical terms, how can I have Vx = 0?


It is impossible because || > ||. Even if I swim directly upstream, I still have an x-component.

Make a new problem with a boat that can go 5 m/s.


Which angle does this boat have to select to get directly across the stream?


must be at an angle such that vx = 0. But vx = w - s sin$\theta$; so the angle is given by

\[ \rm sin$\theta$ = \frac{w}{s} = \frac{3}{5} = 0.6 \]
=> $\theta$ = 37º


How long does it take?


The stream is 100 m wide. So all we need to do is to calculate the y-component of our velocity vector, and divide 100 m by it:
vy = s cos$\theta$ = 5 m/s cos 37º = 4 m/s

\[ \rm t = \frac{y}{v_{y}} = \frac{100 m}{4 m/s} = 25 s \]

Note that if I had headed straight across, it would have taken 100/5 = 20 s, but I would have ended up 60 m downstream.

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