Wave Propagation

An electromagnetic wave can, for example, be generated by an oscillating dipole. The waves will then spread out in time into all directions. At all times and at all places, however, the E-field and the B-field will be perpendicular to each other. The direction of wave propagation is always such that the vectors , , and form a right-handed coordinate system.

In the video, one can see a particular electromagnetic wave propagate in time. Shown are the E-field (red) and the B-field (blue). A dipole undergoing simple harmonic motion is shown on the left. The wave is moving along the x axis. The E-field is in the y direction. The B-field is in the z direction. If one is sufficiently far away from the wave source, the wave is approximately a plane wave (=> All points in a plane perpendicular to have the same E-field and B-field.

We have provided another, slightly different animation of the propagation of an electromagnetic wave which you can see by clicking below:


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