Electrostatic Potential Applet
The electrostatic potential at some point due to a point charge is
given by: E = kq/r. If more than one charge is present, the total
electrostatic potential at a point may be found by measuring the
strengths of the individual electrostatic potentials due to each of
the individual charges and then summing them. In this applet you may
create a group of point charges and then plot the resultant
electrostatic potential.
- To place a charge click the mouse in the black area at the
place you would like to put it. The value of the charge you place
may be changed by using the slider at the bottom left. You may
place a maximum of 20 charges. You may move charges around by
dragging them.
- Press the "Plot" button to plot the field.
- Press the "Reset" button to erase the charges you have placed
and start over.
- You may bring out the details of the shape of the field
further from the charges by changing the value int the "Detail"
field. Enter a number between 0 and 1 here. The lower the number,
the greater detail you will see further from the charges.
- You may change the resolution of the plot, by changing the
value in the resolution field. Enter any integer between 1 and 20,
1 being the best and 20 the worst. The better the resolution, the
longer it takes to plot it.