Calculator Help

We are using the general convention for this java calculator. If you want to calculate 3·5 for example, the you simply enter:

3 * 5 =

which results in the display of 15, the correct answer.

You can input with mouse clicks as well as with the keyboard.

For the labels on the buttons we follow standard conventions:


removes the current number in the display without changing previous input.


removes all input.


indicates the beginning of the input of the exponent of a number.


toggles the sign of mantissa or exponent


outputs the square root of the curren number in the display.


gives you the numerical value of p = 3.1415 ....


is the product 1·2·3· ... ·(x-1)·x, where x is a (positive) integer > 171.


stores the currently displayed number as y and interprets the next number you put into the display as x.

"Deg" and "Rad"

switches between the assumed angular measures. This will, of course, influence the input for the angular functions "sin", "cos", "tan", and "cot" as well as the output for the inverse functions "asin", "acos", "atan", and "acot".


followed by an angular function ("sin", "cos", "tan" und "cot") or inverse angular function ( "asin", "acos", "atan" und "acot") is interpreted as a hperbolic function (sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, Arsinh, Arcosh, Artanh, Arcoth).
Example: to calculate sinh 3, press "3", "hyp", "sin".


diplays a random number between 0 and 1.

We have also provided three storage memory locations, M1, M2, and M3.


Pressing will copy the contents of the display into memory location 1.


copies M1 into the display.

Legal notice: Due to the inaccuracies inherent in the JAVA language, this calculator should in no way be used for mission-critical calculations. Thus, if you have to run a nuclear reactor, don't use this tool and go out and buy yourself a decent calculator. We make no warranties for the accuracies of the results obtained here.